Specialised legal advice
PARES has a team specialised in strategy, negotiation and assistance with financial operations, restructurings and providing and enforcing guarantees, both nationally and internationally. We also offer services related to capital markets, financial instruments and regulatory counselling.
Within the field of Collective Investment Undertakings (CIUs), we advise management companies of collective investment undertakings (SGOIC) and venture capital companies (SCR), with an emphasis on operations in real estate investment undertakings, in non-financial assets, and venture capital funds (VCF). Our experience enables us to quickly establish securities investment funds, property investment funds, venture capital funds and credit recovery funds, including the preparation of all the necessary incorporation documents.
We also have expertise in compliance and in the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (PBCFT), supporting management companies, funds and financial institutions in analysing operations, preparing reports for supervisory bodies and implementing internal control and PBCFT procedures.
Areas of Expertise